Boost your


A complete set of tools for boosting your business profits and finances. Gain powerful insights into your invoices, making it possible to increase profits while lowering expenses in your business. 

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No credit card required

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Improve your purchasing decisions

Use our dynamic dashboard to optimize your expenses. Always stay up-to-date on vendor prices, enabling you to react swiftly to price changes

Optimize your costs

Calculate the cost of each dish. Stay up-to-date and adjust the profit margins of your sales items. Gain more knowledge about your potential income.

Optimize your costs

Calculate the cost of each dish. Stay up-to-date and adjust the profit margins of your sales items. Gain more knowledge about your potential income. 

Automatically digitize your invoices

Secure your invoices digitally and store them all in one place, making it easy to access at all times. This also complies with the new Danish accounting law. 

Spend less time on VAT returns

Live monitoring of your VAT each time you upload an invoice, and with the possibility to put in your sales tax, you gain a complete overview your VAT Returns.

Spend less time on VAT returns

Monitor your purchase VAT in real-time each time you upload an invoice.
Enter your sales VAT for a complete overview of your VAT returns.

Easily calculate take away costs

Stay updated on your take away costs with our calculation. Applicable with the most common take away courier options or your own addition.

Quick support keeps you going!

Our support team is always here to answer your questions.

What is Clever Cost?

Watch as our founder Tahir Siddique walks you through the Clever Cost platform:

What our customers say


Clever Tech Group ApS
Vestergade 39 A, 1
5000 Odense C
CVR/VAT: DK-40791132

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Scan your invoices with our app

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2022 – 2025

 Clever Cost. All rights reserved.

Calculate your take-away costs

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Creation of product types

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Create your sale items

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Link your duplicate products

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Integrate with E-conomic

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Using the Invoice scanner

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